PC Jeweller plans initial public offer (IPO) to raise up to Rs 570 crore for opening of 20 new retail showrooms across the country. The Delhi-based jeweller, which currently has 20 stores, had filed the DRHP with the market regulator SEBI last week, to launch its IPO of 4.51 crore equity shares of Rs 10 each.
PC Jeweller posted a net profit of Rs 146.7 crore over a turnover of Rs 1,993.84 crore during the last fiscal.
The company has two jewellery manufacturing facilities in Uttarakhand that cater to domestic market and two facilities at Noida for exports market. In addition to retail operations, the company sells gold and diamond jewellery on a wholesale basis to other jewellery retailers in India. It export gold and diamond jewellery on a wholesale basis to distributors in Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore. In the last fiscal, exports contributed about 34 per cent to the company's total income.
The book running lead managers are SBI Capital Markets and Kotak Mahindra Capital Company and the co-book running lead manager is IDBI Capital Market Services.
PC Jeweller posted a net profit of Rs 146.7 crore over a turnover of Rs 1,993.84 crore during the last fiscal.
The company has two jewellery manufacturing facilities in Uttarakhand that cater to domestic market and two facilities at Noida for exports market. In addition to retail operations, the company sells gold and diamond jewellery on a wholesale basis to other jewellery retailers in India. It export gold and diamond jewellery on a wholesale basis to distributors in Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore. In the last fiscal, exports contributed about 34 per cent to the company's total income.
The book running lead managers are SBI Capital Markets and Kotak Mahindra Capital Company and the co-book running lead manager is IDBI Capital Market Services.
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